El Festival Extremúsika 2009 ha convocado un concurso de maquetas en el que podrán participar artistas noveles que no tengan publicado un disco y no haya tocado nunca en ninguna de las ediciones anteriores de este certamen.
El concurso tiene carácter nacional, y los participantes podrán enviar tres temas, en formato CD. Señalan las bases que la presentación en otro soporte, ya sea analógico o digital, supondrá la no inclusión en el concurso.
El nivel de audición de la demo debe de ser de una "calidad aceptable, para poder valorar a todos los artistas por igual", y el plazo máximo de recepción de trabajos será el sábado 20 de febrero de 2009, según informa la organización del certamen en nota de prensa.
Todos los interesados pueden consultar las bases de este concurso en la página web www.extremusika.com Cabe destacar que el festival se celebrará en Mérida los días 16, 17 y 18 de abril.
The Best Job in the World – Island Caretaker Great Barrier Reef
About the job
Tourism Queensland is seeking applicants for the best job in the world! The role of IslandCaretaker is a six-month contract, based on luxurious Hamilton Island in the Great BarrierReef. It’s a live-in position with flexible working hours and key responsibilities includeexploring the islands of the Great Barrier Reef to discover what the area has to offer.
You’ll be required to report back on your adventures to Tourism Queenslandheadquarters in Brisbane (and the rest of the world) via weekly blogs, photo diary, videoupdates and ongoing media interviews. On offer is a unique opportunity to help promotethe wondrous Islands of the Great Barrier Reef.
Other duties may include (but are not limited to)
Feed the fish -There are over 1,500 species of fish living in the Great Barrier Reef. Don’tworry – you won’t need to feed them all.
Clean the pool - The pool has an automatic filter, but if you happen to see a stray leaffloating on the surface it’s a great excuse to dive in and enjoy a few laps.
Collect the mail – During your explorations, why not join the aerial postal service for aday? It’s a great opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of the reef and islands.
About the job package
Living above the Great Barrier Reef is a pretty unique benefit, but the successfulcandidate will also be paid a salary package of AUD $150,000 for the six-month contract.You’ll receive return airfares from your nearest capital city (in your home country),accommodation and transport on Hamilton Island, travel insurance for the contract period,computer, internet, digital video and stills cameras access, plus travel to a number of theother Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. The six-month contract commences 1 st July2009.
About the location
Stretching for 2,600 kilometres, and composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900islands, the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia is the world’s largest coral reefsystem. The World Heritage Listed area supports a diversity of wildlife including whales,dolphins, sea turtles and more than 1,500 species of fish. The reef is an extremelypopular destination for tourists, sustainably managing approximately 2 million visitorseach year.
Education/Experience Requirements:
A broad range of experience will be considered, but the successful applicant shouldposses:
-Excellent interpersonal communication skills -Good written and verbal English skills -An adventurous attitude-Willingness to try new things -A passion for the outdoors -Good swimming skills and enthusiasm for snorkelling and/or diving-Ability to engage with others -At least one year’s relevant experienceHow to apply:Want the best job in the world? If you enjoy new experiences and you can spare sixmonths to enjoy life above the Great Barrier Reef, you’re already in with a good chance.It’s easy to apply.
Step 1: Create a video application (in English and in 60 seconds or less) telling us whyyou’re the best person for the job and demonstrating your knowledge of the Islands of theGreat Barrier Reef.
Step 2: Fill out a brief application form and upload your video to www.islandreefjob.com.
Applications close 11.59pm UTC 22 nd February 2009Applications open on 2.00pm UTC 9 th January and close 11.59pm UTC 22 nd February2009.About the application process:
Eleven candidates will be invited to the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef for an interviewfrom the 3 rd to the 7 th May 2009.
So, if you want the best job in the world, you’ll need tobe available to travel to Queensland for the final interview selection process. You’ll alsoneed to be available to start work on the 1 st July 2009.Tourism Queensland will select ten candidates. Visitors to www.islandreefjob.com willhave the chance to select one Wild Card candidate, who will also participate in the finalinterview selection process.All applicants must be eligible for a short term business visa for the interview selectionprocess and a long term temporary employee visa for the contract period.
For more information and to apply please visit www.islandreefjob.com.
The Best Job in the World – Island Caretaker Great Barrier Reef
About the job
Tourism Queensland is seeking applicants for the best job in the world! The role of IslandCaretaker is a six-month contract, based on luxurious Hamilton Island in the Great BarrierReef. It’s a live-in position with flexible working hours and key responsibilities includeexploring the islands of the Great Barrier Reef to discover what the area has to offer.
You’ll be required to report back on your adventures to Tourism Queenslandheadquarters in Brisbane (and the rest of the world) via weekly blogs, photo diary, videoupdates and ongoing media interviews. On offer is a unique opportunity to help promotethe wondrous Islands of the Great Barrier Reef.
Other duties may include (but are not limited to)
Feed the fish -There are over 1,500 species of fish living in the Great Barrier Reef. Don’tworry – you won’t need to feed them all.
Clean the pool - The pool has an automatic filter, but if you happen to see a stray leaffloating on the surface it’s a great excuse to dive in and enjoy a few laps.
Collect the mail – During your explorations, why not join the aerial postal service for aday? It’s a great opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of the reef and islands.
About the job package
Living above the Great Barrier Reef is a pretty unique benefit, but the successfulcandidate will also be paid a salary package of AUD $150,000 for the six-month contract.You’ll receive return airfares from your nearest capital city (in your home country),accommodation and transport on Hamilton Island, travel insurance for the contract period,computer, internet, digital video and stills cameras access, plus travel to a number of theother Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. The six-month contract commences 1 st July2009.
About the location
Stretching for 2,600 kilometres, and composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900islands, the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia is the world’s largest coral reefsystem. The World Heritage Listed area supports a diversity of wildlife including whales,dolphins, sea turtles and more than 1,500 species of fish. The reef is an extremelypopular destination for tourists, sustainably managing approximately 2 million visitorseach year.
Education/Experience Requirements:
A broad range of experience will be considered, but the successful applicant shouldposses:
-Excellent interpersonal communication skills -Good written and verbal English skills -An adventurous attitude-Willingness to try new things -A passion for the outdoors -Good swimming skills and enthusiasm for snorkelling and/or diving-Ability to engage with others -At least one year’s relevant experienceHow to apply:Want the best job in the world? If you enjoy new experiences and you can spare sixmonths to enjoy life above the Great Barrier Reef, you’re already in with a good chance.It’s easy to apply.
Step 1: Create a video application (in English and in 60 seconds or less) telling us whyyou’re the best person for the job and demonstrating your knowledge of the Islands of theGreat Barrier Reef.
Step 2: Fill out a brief application form and upload your video to www.islandreefjob.com.
Applications close 11.59pm UTC 22 nd February 2009Applications open on 2.00pm UTC 9 th January and close 11.59pm UTC 22 nd February2009.About the application process:
Eleven candidates will be invited to the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef for an interviewfrom the 3 rd to the 7 th May 2009.
So, if you want the best job in the world, you’ll need tobe available to travel to Queensland for the final interview selection process. You’ll alsoneed to be available to start work on the 1 st July 2009.Tourism Queensland will select ten candidates. Visitors to www.islandreefjob.com willhave the chance to select one Wild Card candidate, who will also participate in the finalinterview selection process.All applicants must be eligible for a short term business visa for the interview selectionprocess and a long term temporary employee visa for the contract period.
For more information and to apply please visit www.islandreefjob.com.
WASHINGTON.- Joe Francis y Larry Flynt, dos de los principales empresarios de la pornografía de EEUU, pidieron al Gobierno que ayude a su sector, dado que a su juicio la recesión ha actuado como "una ducha de agua fría a nivel nacional".
Para recuperarse del bajón, Francis, director del programa de televisión y la revista 'Girls Gone Wild' ('Chicas salvajes'), y Flynt, el editor de la publicación 'Hustler', solicitaron al Congreso 5.000 millones de dólares para los acicates del deseo.
"Con todo el sufrimiento económico y la pérdida de tanto dinero, el sexo es lo último en lo que la gente piensa", dijo Flynt en un comunicado.
"Es hora de que el Congreso rejuvenezca el apetito sexual de EEUU", añadió.
Las ventas y alquileres de vídeos pornográficos cayeron un 22% el año pasado en Estados Unidos, al tiempo que aumentó el tráfico en internet, según la declaración, que indica que aproximadamente la mitad de los usuarios de la web visitan páginas 'XXX'.
Los empresarios del sexo insistieron en que su sector necesita ayuda, pese al gran interés por sus fotografías y vídeos online, de los que disfrutan más de 75 millones de estadounidenses cada mes, según sus datos.
"El Congreso parece dispuesto a rescatar a los sectores más importantes de la nación y creemos que merecemos la misma consideración", señaló Francis.
Por su parte, Flynt hizo un llamamiento a la Legislatura de Estados Unidos, sacudida periódicamente por los escándalos sexuales, a pensar en el bien del país.
"La gente está demasiado deprimida para ser activa sexualmente", se quejó.
"Esto es muy malo para nuestra salud como nación. Los estadounidenses pueden prescindir del automóvil, pero no del sexo", alertó.